Module 2 Overview

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In the previous section we outlined general principles for the types of activities believed to be more likely to develop learners' creativity. Let's now think about that question with a sharper focus on language learning activities and materials more specifically.

Alan Maley and Nik Peachey (2015) outline a number of language activities to enhance creativity in their edited publication for the British Council:

Creativity in the English language classroom

This is a fairly long publication, but pages 9-11 give some useful general principles that would be relatively easy to integrate into most classrooms. Read them through and note down any that seem particurlarly relevant to and useful for your own classroom situation.

One of the chapters, Chapter 15, outlines a project using literature with adult learners. In the next section we consider how using literature, especially poems, might be a good route to follow in order to develop creativity for less proficient, secondary school language learners.