Is your Canvas course ready for students?
Before you publish your Canvas course(s) and enrol students, you will want to ensure that all course content has been properly checked and is readily available. This page provides relevant information and resources about checking your course(s) before clicking the course Publish button.
Use the Canvas Course Launch Checklist to check all aspects of your course and ensure that it is ready for students.
The checklist also describes the types of resources and activities that an outstanding course in Canvas should have, in order to enhance student learning opportunities and fully exploit Canvas capabilities.
Pre-Launch Quick Checklist Download Pre-Launch Quick Checklist
- Where possible use a standardised, consistent module structure that includes consistent naming of files and other resources.
- Use the indent and text header features in Modules to make it easier for your students to locate items.
- Provide an introductory page to each module that includes items such as learning targets, essential questions, and vocabulary.
- Create a teacher's notes page for each module in which you can make notes or add reminders for yourself about the module. Leave this page unpublished so that your students cannot access it.