Checklist of information which should be made available to students during induction
Your department should ensure that your induction programme covers the following items. If any of these points are not covered or are unclear, contact your departmental administrator for more information.
- Facilities available for students within the department or faculty
- Relevant health and safety practices within the group and department or faculty
- Introduction to staff and their roles and an opportunity to meet socially and informally with other students and staff in the department, especially the Director of Graduate Studies
- Orientation to the degree programme i.e. transfer of status, methods of assessment and examination, regulations and other requirements, as well as general processes such as annual registration
- Supervision arrangements, including establishing appropriate working patterns, the minimum frequency of supervision meetings and the purpose of such meetings, evaluation, monitoring and reporting procedures
- Wider academic opportunities (seminars, journal clubs, research networks) including opportunities for meeting other research students and staff and opportunities to present research to peers
- Teaching opportunities (where appropriate)
- Skills training available within and outside the subject
- Student welfare (in the departmental or faculty context)
- Academic expectations of students and responsibilities of students
- Typical challenges which may face the research student and sources of support and guidance including support for developing academic skills for research
- Integrity in research, intellectual property rights, and guidance on good academic practice and the avoidance of plagiarism
- Ethical research review processes (where appropriate)
- English language provision available via the Language Centre (where appropriate)
- How to raise concerns and/or make a complaint.